ZwCAD MFG (Mechanical) – licenta lifetime Stand Alone.
Licenta permanenta/ lifetime CAD. Format nativ .DWG; perfecta compatibilitate .dwg. Suport formate DWFDXFDWT.
Instrumente specifice pentru mechanical 2D sheet drawing. Functii precum shaft generator, tolerance dimension, surface texture symbol, balloon and BOM. ZWCAD Part Library: screws, nuts, washer, pins.
Licenta permanenta/ lifetime CAD
Format nativ .DWG; compatibilitate format .dwg pana la dwg 2018. Suport formate DWFDXFDWT Raster image fisiere bmp, .jpg sau .jpeg, .pcx, .png, .tga, .tif sau tiff, .gif. |
Vizualizare, editare grafica 2D
Vizualizare si editare 3D (modelare ACIS, 3D Orbit) Interfete pentru programarea de aplicatii API – suporta programe compatibile add-on (de ex. CadProfi Mechanical etc.) sau rutine interne Visual Basic |
Instrumente specifice pentru mechanical 2D sheet drawing.
Functii precum shaft generator, tolerance dimension, surface texture symbol, balloon and BOM ZWCAD Part Library: screws, nuts, washer, pins |