Caracteristici noi în versiunea ZwCAD 2018 SP2:
• Format DWG 2018
• Dynamic Input
• Point Filters
• Hatch cu Boundary Grips
• Plot to SVG
Functii cu perfomanta imbunatatita in SP2:
• Tool Palettes imbunatatita
• Buton pentru Lock/Unlock Viewports
• Eps Plotter imbunatatita
• SHPGL/LHPGL Plotters
• Attribute Editorimbunatatita
• Shortcut Key pentru a trece din modurile Model/Layout
Daca nu aveti ZwCAD 2018 instalat, descarcati si instalati direct versiunea ZwCAD 2018 in versiunea 32 sau 64 biti, in functie de sistemul de operare Windows.
Daca aveti versiunea ZwCAD 2018 deja instalata, puteti Upgrada astfel: Din meniul ZwCAD verificati Help/ About ce versiune aveti instalata. In cazul in care aveti instalata una din versiunile de mai jos, din meniu Help/ Check Update, cautati si instalati noul Update la SP2.
Puteti upgrada de la versiunile urmatoare:
• 2017.08.22(21234)
• 2017.09.14(21730)
• 2017.12.05(24685)
• 2017.12.19(25174)
ZwCAD 2018 SP2 New Features
DWG 2018
2018 SP2 fully supports the DWG 2018 format now. Users can create, open and save any drawing in this format.
Dynamic Input
Dynamic input provides a command interface near the cursor in the drawing area. When the dynamic input is turned on, a tooltip displays dynamically updated information near the cursor. You can specify options and values in the tooltip box when a command is in progress.

Point Filters
Point filters specify a new coordinate location by using the X value from one location, the Y value of a second location, and, for 3D coordinates, the Z value of a third location. When used with object snaps, coordinate filters extract coordinate values from an existing object.
To specify a filter at the command line, enter a period and one or more of the letters X, Y, and Z; or right-click to open the shortcut menus and select the Point Filters. The next entry is limited to a specific coordinate value.
Hatch with Boundary Grips
Hatch has boundary grips now that allow stretching the boundary.
Plot to SVG
The SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) file format can be selected from the Add-A-Plotter Wizard. Users can plot their drawings to SVG file format to create an interactive vector graphics for the web design or the other specific work flows that require SVG files.
The difference between vector and bitmap images is that scaling the bitmap reveals the pixels while scaling the vector image preserves the shapes in a picture.
New System Variables
DYNDIGRIP: Controls which dynamic dimensions are displayed during grip stretch editing
DYNDIVIS: Controls how many dynamic dimensions are displayed during grip stretch editing
DYNPICOORDS: Controls whether pointer input uses relative or absolute format for coordinates
DYNPIFORMAT: Controls whether pointer input uses polar or Cartesian format for coordinates
DYNPIVIS: Controls when pointer input is displayed
BLOCKEDITMODE: Controls whether it will use REFEDIT or BEDIT when double-clicks a block
DYNMODE: Turns Dynamic Input features on and off. (ZWCMDLINE is discarded)
Tool Palettes Improved
The Properties option is added to the right-click menu of a block or command of the Tool Palettes now, including the Name, Scale, Rotation, Layer, etc.
Lock/Unlock Viewports Button
A Lock/Unlock viewports button is added to the status bar. Users can quickly lock or unlock the selected viewport without changing the status from properties panel.
Eps Plotter Improved
Now ZWCAD Virtual Eps plotter supports to plot drawings to EPS files. Users can plot their drawings to EPS files, and then open them in Photoshop or other software to create an architectural rendering floor plan.
SHPGL/LHPGL Plotters Improved
SHPGL and LHPGL plotters can plot PLT files correctly now. SHPGL produces HPGL output that assumes that the coordinate origin is at the lower corner of the page while the LHPGL produces output that assumes that the coordinate origin is in the center of the page. These two HPGL plotters are commonly used in the manufacturing industry for machining.
A new system variable BLOCKEDITMODE is added to control whether it will use REFEDIT or BEDIT command to edit a block when double-clicking it. When BLOCKEDITLOCK=0 and BLOCKEDITMODE=0, double-clicking a block will use REFEDIT command; When BLOCKEDITLOCK=0 and BLOCKEDITMODE=1, double-clicking a block will use BEDIT command.
Enhanced Attribute Editor
A shortcut menu is added when right click the value textbox in Enhanced Attribute Editor.Users can insert field, cut, copy, paste, delete and select all in the menu.And users can double-click an attribute with a field to edit.
Shortcut Key to Switch Model/Layout
Adds ashortcut key Ctrl + PageUp and Ctrl + PageDown to switch betweenModel and Layout.
Scroll Bar
When scrolling the scroll bar, the direction that the drawing moves is the opposite to the scrolling direction, which is the common user habit for Windows users.
UI Optimization
The dark UI theme is optimized for SP2 by changing the background color and styles of some elements. After install or upgrade to SP2 version, the UI will be automatically updated.
Network License Manager Updated
In the Network License Manager, there is a new button named Borrow Manage, and if users click on this button, it can open a dialog box to display the current borrow information, including Host name, Expire time, Product/Version, and License ID.
And users can setup the clients that can obtain fulfillments from the license server directly. In this part, it is empty by default, which means all clients that connect to this license server can obtain licenses without extra limitation. If users add any client to it, then only the client in this part can obtain the license.